Proper oral hygiene and a balanced diet can keep your teeth strong and healthy. Brushing regularly avoids the buildup of plaque, which can cause tooth decay. You can also promote good dental health by avoiding sugary food and drinks, smoking tobacco, and consuming alcoholic beverages in excess.
Poor oral hygiene can lead to many issues, even in young people. Neglecting oral care can lead to tooth decay, cavities, and gum disease. Fortunately, there are some interventions your dental health provider can do to help you restore your teeth. If your issues are quite severe, you may need dental surgery to address them.
If you are going to have dental work done, keep in mind that recovery is a delicate time. Here are several things you should expect post-operation:
There will be some swelling
The swelling of your gums after having dental work done is normal, even if the procedure was simple. It may persist over a period of 48-72 hours. If you experience swelling longer than this timeframe, it may be best to consult your dentist to rule out any infection or complication. It might be best to postpone any in-person meetings, video conference calls, or even portrait sessions since you won’t be looking like your usual self for a few days.
It will be uncomfortable
Pain and discomfort are, unfortunately, part of the healing process after dental surgery. How much pain you experience will depend on the seriousness of your procedure. Your dentist may prescribe you some pain reliever if you have a low tolerance for pain. With the recommendation of your dental health provider, over-the-counter medications may also help. Be sure not to schedule any appointments or trips for at least one week after your procedure, as you will likely need plenty of rest and minimal physical activity.
You might experience bleeding
After your dental work, some minimal bleeding may occur. Your gums are very sensitive surfaces, even under normal circumstances. Some blood may also stain your saliva for a few days after. If you do notice bleeding, use some sterile gauze to blot it the site of the bleed. If the bleeding is heavy and persists longer than 24 hours, consult your dentist immediately or seek the advice of a medical professional.
You will have to choose your food carefully
One of the biggest post-operative concerns of dental surgery patients is what they can eat after having work done. Avoid any hard or crunchy food, like granola, nuts, or crackers. Proteins like eggs and fish are high in nutrition but are also soft and easy to chew. If you want to enjoy your favorite fruits and vegetables, opt to blend them into a smoothie to lessen the movement necessary for chewing. Whatever you eat, make sure it is not too cold or too hot. Your teeth will feel sensitive after dental work, and extreme temperatures may make you cringe. Try planning your meals and stocking up your fridge before you undergo your procedure so that you can rest comfortably at home afterward.
Any procedure in your mouth, teeth, and gums will interfere with your daily tasks like talking, eating, and exercising. Schedule time off work, and give yourself time to heal from your dental surgery. Be patient with your recovery, as it may take several days or a few weeks before you can go back to rigorous activity. Following a post-treatment plan can get you back to normal and avoid complications that may prolong your recovery.
Are you looking for a dentist in Markham? Our team of professionals has over 35 years of experience in dental care for adults and children. Call us today to book your appointment.